Workers' Compensation

Benefits paid for medical expenses and lost wages due to an "on the job" injury or illness.

If injured on the job, a claim must be filed within one year of the event that caused the injury. An occupational illness claim must be filed within one year of the date of diagnosis, and a causal relationship must exist between the development of the illness and the nature of the work.
Worker’s Compensation benefits for medical treatment and temporary total disability are paid in accordance with Washington State’s Industrial Insurance Laws (RCW’s) as directed by the Washington Administrative Codes (WAC’s). An employee who is unable to work due to an occupational illness or injury may concurrently qualify for FMLA leave.

  • Employees must report an occupational injury to their supervisor as soon as possible.
  • An "Employee Injury Accident Report" must be completed and sent to Occupational Health within two (2) days.
  • If the injury requires immediate medical attention, a Workers’ Compensation Claim form must be completed. Contact the Occupational Health Nurse if you need a claim form or assistance completing the report. This must be done as soon as possible to insure benefits are paid in a timely manner.

The Occupational Health Nurse will coordinate paperwork for FMLA leave and provide payroll with appropriate time-loss information.

Workers' Compensation benefits begin immediately after an industrial accident or injury.

Benefit Level (subject to limitations and maximums)

The employee will receive an amount from the Company which, when combined with temporary Workers’ Compensation benefits will equal 100 % of their regular pay as long as they receive temporary disability payments under Workers’ Compensation (not to exceed the weeks shown in the following schedule according to years of service). After this time the employee will receive Workers’ Compensation benefits according to the state schedule (at least 60%) as long as they continue to be off work due to an industrial injury.

Years of Company Service Industrial Accident Maximum Weeks Supplemented by Avista
Weeks Paid at 100% of Salary
0.5 (6 mos.) 1
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
6 12
7 14
8 16
9 18
10+ 20



For More Information

If you have questions or would like more detail on a specific disability benefit, please contact the Occupational Health Nurse at