Mid-Year Changes

Outside of your initial eligibility period and Open Enrollment, you may only change benefits if you have a qualifying life event as defined by the IRS.

If you experience a status change that affects your eligibility for benefits or an IRS-qualified life event during the year, you may enroll for coverage in new plans and make changes to existing coverage within 30 days of the event. Go to the enrollment site to start the process.

Your benefit elections or changes must be consistent with the event. Documentation of the event may be required.

Changes you make generally will be effective on the first day of the month following or coinciding with a qualified life event, except for:

  • The birth of a baby or adoption: Coverage begins on the date of birth or date the child is put in custody for adoption.
  • Removing dependents from coverage: Coverage ends for your dropped dependent on the last day of the month.
  • Death: Coverage ends the day after the event date.
  • Divorce: Coverage ends on the last day of the month.